Some handy command line tools to burn CDs/DVDs and work with .iso files:
Burning .iso files:
Basic usage of wodim (formally know as cdrecord):
wodim dev=/dev/DEVICE image.iso
Replace DEVICE with the name of your drive, e.g. hda. You might need to be root/use sudo or have the appropriate permissions to access the device.
If your drive supports BurnFree add: -v driveropts=burnfree
Generating .iso files
Add content of directory to an iso:
genisoimage -o image.iso directory/
Some advanced options that might be useful:
- -R : Enable Rock Ridge records (or use -r, read the genisoimage man page for info)
- -joliet-long : Add support for filenames up to 103 chars (breaks joliet specification)
- -graft-points : Maps a directory to another, e.g. specifying “-graft-points ‘/=/home/myusername'” the contents of /home/myusername is mapped to / on the iso
To burn directly to CD/DVD
By combining genisoimage and wodim, you can burn files directly:
genisoimage directory/ | wodim dev=/dev/hda -
Note the missing -o for genisoimage, and the “-” argument for wodim
Mounting .iso files
This requires root rights:
mount -o loop -t iso9660 image.iso /mnt/image/